Bank Grade Security
Qymatix’s elaborate security system matches that of the online banking industry, is kept up-to-date permanently and is exclusively based on proven technologies.
Secure Sockets Layer, SSL, is the security technology for encrypting a link between a web server and a browser. All data passed between Qymatix server and your browser remains private and secure.
To generate an encrypted SSL transmission, a web server requires an SSL Certificate. Checking a website’s certificate is good practice that helps you avoid spoof websites, sometimes called “phishing” sites. To verify the certificate, click on the padlock on the left. Your browser will show you the name of the owner of the certificate, Qymatix Solutions GmbH in this case.
Encrypted communication
A AES-128-GCM (TLS 1.2) encryption guarantees the highest possible security standards when it comes to data protection.
SSL certificates are issued by a leading certificate authority, Comodo CA. Comodo is Web Trust-compliant, meaning that their business practices and processes have been rigorously audited per AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) guidelines by an independent approved auditor (Ernst & Young).
Comodo High Assurance certificates enable a high level of encryption. They also confirm that Qymatix Solutions GmbH is a legally responsible organisation based in Germany.
Your data is hosted in Germany
You are always in possession of your data and it will never leave Germany. Unless specifically declared, Qymatix Solutions GmbH is a self-hosted web service. This allow us to remain in total control of the service we provide, while ensuring European compliance.
Qymatix has ready to use data interfaces that work with CRM and ERP systems. Service-enable Oracle©, SAP and other core apps, databases and legacy systems. Additionally, we are integrating our tool in webMethod Integrations Cloud Software AG.
We go the extra mile to ensure your data and Qymatix’s systems are secure.

Ready to get started with predictive sales analytics?
In a first call, we will discuss your sales analytics needs and estimate the ROI you can expect by using Qymatix Predictive Sales Analytics. Just send us a short message with a suitable date.