What Data is Necessary for AI in Wholesale?

  What data is needed for precise AI-based sales forecasts in wholesale? Wholesale companies today face a…


Processes, Tools and Data in modern B2B Wholesale

  AI in industrial wholesale: how does modern sales work? In the dynamic environment of specialised wholesale,…


Sales & Operations Planning

The Five SALSA Principles of Effective Sales and Operations Planning

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is probably the most important planning process of any company. It will…


What is Generative AI?

  Everywhere you look, news about generative AI platforms like Chat GPT abound. But the technology isn’t new, so…


Künstliche Intelligenz Software Entwicklungskosten

Artificial Intelligence Software Development: The True Costs.

  The question is no longer "if" a B2B company will implement artificial intelligence (AI), but "how". AI tools…


The Future of B2B Wholesale: Predictive Sales Analytics Applications – Opportunities and Challenges

  B2B wholesale is experiencing profound change, driven by technological advances and changing customer needs. In…


Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Real vs. Fake AI

  Is there real and fake artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted enormous interest…


Umsatzrentabilität B2B steigern

How to calculate and increase return on sales with predictive analytics?

  How can B2B manufacturing and distribution increase return on sales (ROS) using strategic sales controlling and…


What is predictive sales in B2B wholesale?

  B2B wholesalers in many sectors, such as electrical wholesalers, industrial supplies and component retailers,…


Where is Predictive Analytics used?

  Surprising ways predictive analytics is used. Predictive analytics isn’t new. In fact, there’s a very old story…


Pricing Analysis in Excel: Make A Price Corridor in Three Simple Steps

This article describes a step-by-step introduction to price corridor analysis with Excel. You will learn the meaning…



Predictive Analytics in Sales: 5 Ways it Can Power Yours to Success today

Five practical examples of Predictive Analytics that will make your sales team successful. Getting an edge in today’s…
