For the executive and sales management team, an overall view of the entire company is essential.
– Which sales markets are flourishing?
– How are sales staff developing?
– Which manufacturers are profitable?
– Or with which customers are over-performing?
Qymatix Reporting Software provides you with all this information within seconds:
– ABC Analyses
– Sales and revenue analysis for countries, customers, and products.
– Sales Target setting and target/actual comparison with status to the day
– Sales rep analyses with an evaluation of target achievement
– Winners and losers lists
In the address list, you will find a searchable list of all your customers. If you click in one customer name, the year list and the invoices related to this customer will appear in the respective windows on the bottom right corner of the view.
If you double click in their customer name, the year, or the invoices, a new window will open. This window will appear populated according to your selection. Here you can compare and analyse information related to this customer.

Having a quick overview of your customer is critical for your job. You can also use this information to discuss the evolution of the customer. Successful sales managers use past data to select and define future sales goals.
Qymatix Expert Tip: Select the customer (or product) you want to analyze and compare it with one click.