Fragen, auf die Sie als Vertriebsleiter eine Antwort parat haben sollten

Fifteen questions you must be able to answer as a sales manager without hesitating

  Sales Management in B2B is an ever-evolving discipline. The job has been rapidly changing over the past decade, and there is no stop in sight. New technologies emerge, Millennials hit the workspace and markets get disrupted. Dynamic markets…

Wie wird Vertrieb in 50 Jahren funktionieren – Blick in die Zukunft

What type of B2B sales will still exist in 50 years?

Will sales jobs still exist in fifty years from now? Will robots take over all sales jobs? How will artificial intelligence redefine sales management? What long-term influence does digitisation have on B2B sales? To discuss the future of sales,…


Why KPI’s Are Important to Your Sales Growth

Business success is usually measured in Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantifiable evidence used to determine how well the sales goals are being met or will be met in the future. Selecting the right set of key performance indicators is critical…


Predictive Sales Analytics Software | Qymatix Predictive Sales New Release

  With the valuable input from partners and customers, Qymatix has released an improved version of its predictive sales analytics product.   The new version of the SaaS brings together extensive research in the field of predictive sales…