Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Real vs. Fake AI
Is there real and fake artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted enormous interest and attention in recent years. From autonomous vehicles and speech recognition to personalized recommendation systems, the potential…
Where is Predictive Analytics used?
Surprising ways predictive analytics is used. Predictive analytics isn’t new. In fact, there’s a very old story about target loyalty and number crunching that’s now the stuff of textbooks. The possibilities offered by AI models have also…
Predictive Analytics in Sales: 5 Ways it Can Power Yours to Success today
Five practical examples of Predictive Analytics that will make your sales team successful. Getting an edge in today’s competitive market place is vital. For B2B companies, possessing the tools to explore customer behaviour and prioritise leads not…
AI: The Human Factor in B2B Sales
The Dance of Expectations and Realities when Implementing AI in B2B Sales. In the sprawling landscape of B2B sales, where specialist wholesalers in Germany grapple with the dual pressures of an ever-evolving e-commerce market and the need…
Why is Predictive Sales Analytics a “Must-Have” to Increase Sales Productivity in Business-to-Business?
Predictive Sales Analytics is a Game-Changer in B2B. Productivity in business-to-business (B2B) sales is simply defined as the output rate of a sales team, considering all direct costs and performance. Two trends that are drastically affecting…
Lucas Pedretti exclusively booked as AI specialist for eight VTH (Verband Technischer Handel) events
Wholesale businesses can benefit greatly from the possibilities of artificial intelligence. The possible applications of AI in wholesale are manifold. Karlsruhe, Germany - Lucas Pedretti, Managing Director of Qymatix Solutions GmbH, has…
What we can learn from the most popular AI scandals
With AI front and centre in our collective consciousness, it’s no surprise that it has also had its fair share of controversy. AI scandals are not that numerous (yet), but they are impactful. So, today we’ll look at some famous AI scandals…
AI in sales gains momentum: Qymatix Experts Fully Booked in November
Karlsruhe, 07.12.2023. The topic "Artificial Intelligence in Sales" is becoming more and more popular! In the last few weeks alone, Lucas Pedretti, CEO of Qymatix Solutions GmbH, has been a guest speaker at four exciting events:
Intelligent, Predictive Pricing: the Key to B2B Wholesale Success
Digitalisation is a blessing and a curse, an opportunity, and a threat. Nearly 900 German wholesale companies took part in a recent study by Roland Berger and the German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services Association (BGA). Almost all of…
Artificial Intelligence in German B2B Companies – What do the Figures tell us?
Especially since the launch of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in Germany has experienced another substantial boost. But what do the numbers say? In this article, we look at the current usage of AI in…