What is predictive sales in B2B wholesale?

  B2B wholesalers in many sectors, such as electrical wholesalers, industrial supplies and component retailers, now benefit from modern predictive sales software. The B2B wholesale market is a fast-moving market characterised by intense…


Five interesting Facts & Statistics About B2B Distribution

  B2B Sales is changing because buyers are changing – mainly in the way they buy. Companies in B2B distribution are particularly affected by the changes in customer behaviour and their competitive environment. The shift in customer behaviour…

b2b sales strategies

How To Accelerate B2B Sales Growth With One Proven Strategy

Revenue stagnation is a nightmare most managers are scared to dream. If a market is growing in line with the economy and income stagnates, then market share is approximately contracting, and a company is becoming irrelevant. No manager wants that.

Kundenabwanderung vorhersagen | Predicting Customer Churn

How to Predict Customer Churn in B2B with AI

  For businesses selling ad-hoc, it's hard for companies to predict customer churn. That is in contrast to as-a-Service subscription-based businesses for whom identifying at-risk customers is more accessible right from the initial sign-up.…

Kundenabwanderung Definition und Verringerung mit Predictive Analytics

How to Define and Reduce Customer Churn in B2B Sales

  Customer churn in B2B refers to a portion of subscribers or contract customers who change suppliers during a certain period of time. In B2B practice, some churn goes unnoticed for a long time or is only detected when it is already too late.…

Retain Customers | Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

Retain Customers with Artificial Intelligence – Churn Prediction

  Reduce customer churn and attrition with Qymatix Predictive Sales Software.

The Art of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales

AI in B2B sales: How exactly can B2B companies use Artificial Intelligence to support their sales? The applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are very diverse. It is not without reason that big players such as Apple, Facebook, Google or…

Win Back lost customers in B2B

How to Win Back Lost Customers in B2B

  Joachim Meyn has many years of experience in B2B sales and customer management. In this article, he shares his impressions on the topic of "customer recovery". First of all, losing customers is an entirely normal process. Therefore, one of…

AI in b2b sales

Where AI already Supports Sales Today

  Learn seven practical use cases where artificial intelligence is already supporting sales today. More and more companies are using AI to streamline processes in sales and hand over unpleasant tasks to algorithms. AI is therefore assistance…

Predictive Analytics and Customer Behaviour

Predictive Analytics to Understand Customer Behavior in the B2B Sector

Predictive analytics is an innovative technology in the B2B sector that calculates data-based predictions about customer behavior. For some B2B companies, predicting customer behavior is like guesswork. Managers sit together and try to make…