What is Generative AI?

  Everywhere you look, news about generative AI platforms like Chat GPT abound. But the technology isn’t new, so much as it’s gotten amazing press in recent months. We created the cover image of the article with the help of DALL-E. The input…

Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Real vs. Fake AI

  Is there real and fake artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted enormous interest and attention in recent years. From autonomous vehicles and speech recognition to personalized recommendation systems, the potential…

Where is Predictive Analytics used?

  Surprising ways predictive analytics is used. Predictive analytics isn’t new. In fact, there’s a very old story about target loyalty and number crunching that’s now the stuff of textbooks. The possibilities offered by AI models have also…

Zukunftstrends im B2B-Grosshandel

B2B Wholesale Future Trends 2024

  Across B2B wholesale future trends 2024, you’ll see a few key themes: technology, personalisation and change. Some are accelerations of global movements, while others are specific to the B2B space. We’ll break down what you can expect in…