Managing a sales funnel is an important operational sales planning task.
To perform this task successfully, salespeople need a continuous flow of potentially successful new activities and next-best actions that contribute to their goals.
The case view allows your sales manager with an enabler type subscription to define the cases to be tracked.
A case can be created by clicking on the “Add Case” button. This requires a name and description. The case type can be related to new cross-selling or pricing opportunities or to reducing churn. You can also set a rule or leave the type as ‘other’.
Cases should be related to customer segments. All customers belonging to the selected customer segment will receive new sales opportunities as soon as new enquiries appear. If you want all your customers to be monitored, create a segment that contains all your customers.
You can also select how many total actions should be created per week or per month. Whether actions are created per month or per week is determined at regular intervals in “Regularity”.
Finally, you can choose what type of action to recommend – a call, a visit or a quote?
By feeding your sales team with AI-powered predictions, you create a predictable sales pipeline and revenue streams for your business.
Don’t forget that you can also make these suggestions visible in your current CRM.

Once you have created a new case, you must activate it.
In the view, all your cases are listed with their status.
You can deactivate or stop a case, and you can also change them by clicking on them.
Qymatix Expert Tip: Look for “hot” deals in your funnel with no planned sales actions.
This online manual reflects the functionality of Qymatix Predictive Sales SaaS version 0.7.0. Variations may occur with more advanced versions of the tool.