About Qymatix Solutions GmbH

Qymatix is your autopilot for B2B sales. Since 2013, Qymatix has been helping B2B companies to be data-driven in sales to enable profitable growth. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is a pioneer in its field. Named “AI Champion 2021 BW”, Qymatixs’ Predictive Sales Analytics Software delivers actionable sales forecasts in revenue, cross-selling, churn risk and price levels for traditional and digital channels.

Our Predictive Sales Software enables business-to-business sales managers to accurately forecast cross-sell, churn risk, and determine the appropriate pricing analytics with one click.


KI-Kompetenz EU AI Act Online Kurs

New Course: “EU AI Act: Compact AI Competency Course” Now Available in the Qymatix Online Academy

  Karlsruhe, 13.03.2025 – The Qymatix Online Academy is expanding its training offerings: The new course "EU AI Act: Compact AI Competency Course" is now available, including a certification. This practice-oriented online course provides…

Product Safety Regulation EU 2023/988 – What wholesalers need to know now

  What does the Product Safety Regulation 2024 (GPSR) mean for B2B wholesalers? In B2B wholesale, the challenges are often as diverse as the product portfolio. With more than 20,000 items in stock and thousands of customers served every…

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Wholesale: A Success Story

  It is a story about an AI journey with the Verband Technischer Handel (VTH). In March of this year, we organized a very well-received webinar with almost 200 registrations and over 100 participants. Shortly afterwards, I received an email…

KI im Fachgrosshandel

Lucas Pedretti exclusively booked as AI specialist for eight VTH (Verband Technischer Handel) events

  Wholesale businesses can benefit greatly from the possibilities of artificial intelligence. The possible applications of AI in wholesale are manifold. Karlsruhe, Germany - Lucas Pedretti, Managing Director of Qymatix Solutions GmbH, has…

Künstliche Intelligenz im Vertrieb | Qymatix News

AI in sales gains momentum: Qymatix Experts Fully Booked in November

Karlsruhe, 07.12.2023. The topic "Artificial Intelligence in Sales" is becoming more and more popular! In the last few weeks alone, Lucas Pedretti, CEO of Qymatix Solutions GmbH, has been a guest speaker at four exciting events:

KI und Predictive Analytics im B2B-Vertrieb Qymatix Academy

Qymatix Academy celebrates its Relaunch

Learn online everything about AI in sales and the successful use of predictive sales analytics at the Qymatix Academy. Save 50 % on all courses with the code SELLSMART! (Courses only available in German language) Karlsruhe, 27.04.2023. Qymatix…

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Find out how you can accelerate your sales with Qymatix Predictive Sales Analytics.

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