Explainable, Responsible and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Explainable, Responsible and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence – What is behind?

  Since June 2023, the "AI Act" has been taking shape. With the AI Regulation, the EU Parliament is for the first time planning a legal framework for the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) - also known as the "AI Act": “The…

KI und Ethik

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Why AI Needs an Ethical Basis | Part 2

  The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Part 2 of 2: an in-depth plea for an ethical basis in the field of AI by our Qymatix guest author David Wolf. If you want to read Part 1 first, click here. Ethics in Conversational AI: What should a bot…

AI and Ethics

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Why AI Needs an Ethical Basis | Part 1

  The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Part 1 of 2: a very well-researched and in-depth article by our Qymatix guest author David Wolf. Whether in production, marketing, sales or logistics - artificial intelligence optimizes processes and…