Predictive Sales Analytics Fragen Vertrieb

Predictive Sales Forecasting: Answers to 5 Questions of Salespeople

  Why should we use predictive sales forecasts in sales? This article is aimed at anyone thinking of using AI for more efficient sales planning and sales management. Every Saturday morning, Mr. Meier visits the magazine store around the corner…

Customer Retention in Wholesale with AI and Predictive Sales Analytics

Better Customer Retention in B2B Wholesale Through Algorithms

  Learn three ways to increase customer loyalty with algorithms and Predictive Sales Analytics in B2B wholesale. Should computer programs be able to increase customer loyalty in wholesale? Yes. And no. We'll discuss what is exactly meant by…

Predictive Sales

Why is internal data considered more reliable and easier to collect than external data?

Simply explained: Why internal data is better for predictive analytics in B2B. Companies use sales forecast to make business decisions. They also employ them to predict future developments better than their competitors. However, reliable…

Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

AI Data Visualization for Advanced Sales Analytics

  Understand your sales data and achieve a much higher business success through an intelligent visualization from Qymatix AI. Sales Analytics Visualization “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.” That is how Qymatix works. With only one sales…

Warenkorbanalyse Excel mit einem apriori Algorithmus

Market Basket Analysis in Excel – Example for Cross-Selling in B2B

  One Useful Example of Predictive Sales Analytics Using Excel Cross-selling is the practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer. Indeed, B2B companies define cross-selling in general and cross-selling…

Predictive Score Model Template

What is a Predictive Score Model in B2B Sales? How Can You Create Yours?

A predictive score model is a formula to calculate a probability. There is a 70% chance that you will read this entire article. How do I know this? Because I used a predictive score model. The score is the probability of you reading to the end of…

How Predictive Analytics works and why it matters

How Predictive Sales Analytics Works and Why It Matters

  AI-based programs help your sales team to sell products are services more efficiently. The programs make predictions about your customers' behaviour: who will churn? Who might pay a different price or buy an additional product? The…

künstliche Intelligenz und Predictive Analytics im b2b vertrieb

Study: Automated, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based pricing versus Human-based pricing in B2B

  To further explore the potential of automating the B2B salesperson’s pricing decisions. You'll learn the results of a field experiment conducted by Yael Karlinsky-Shichor (School of Business at Northeastern) and Oded Netzer (Columbia…

Wie wird Vertrieb in 50 Jahren funktionieren – Blick in die Zukunft

What type of B2B sales will still exist in 50 years?

Will sales jobs still exist in fifty years from now? Will robots take over all sales jobs? How will artificial intelligence redefine sales management? What long-term influence does digitisation have on B2B sales? To discuss the future of sales,…

AI in B2B Sales Studies

6 Facts from Studies on Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales

  In this post, you'll learn about six interesting findings from various studies on artificial intelligence in B2B sales. According to a recent survey by Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V (bvik), almost all decision-makers (95%) are…