Künstliche Intelligenz im Großhandel | AI in Wholesale

Artificial Intelligence in Wholesale

  AI in Wholesale Distribution is a great opportunity and a challenge at the same time. In this article, learn about concrete use cases of AI in wholesale and their benefits. Wholesale companies are an indispensable part of the economy. They…

Product Safety Regulation EU 2023/988 – What wholesalers need to know now

  What does the Product Safety Regulation 2024 (GPSR) mean for B2B wholesalers? In B2B wholesale, the challenges are often as diverse as the product portfolio. With more than 20,000 items in stock and thousands of customers served every…

Intelligente Preisgestaltung | Predictive Pricing Wholesale

Intelligent, Predictive Pricing: the Key to B2B Wholesale Success

  Digitalisation is a blessing and a curse, an opportunity, and a threat. Nearly 900 German wholesale companies took part in a recent study by Roland Berger and the German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services Association (BGA). Almost all of…

Zukunftstrends im B2B-Grosshandel

B2B Wholesale Future Trends 2024

  Across B2B wholesale future trends 2024, you’ll see a few key themes: technology, personalisation and change. Some are accelerations of global movements, while others are specific to the B2B space. We’ll break down what you can expect in…

Top Problems in Wholesale Sales

The Top Challenges Facing the Wholesale Trade in Germany

  What are the challenges faced by wholesalers in Germany from the point of view of their salespeople? The wholesale trade in Germany is a vital sector of the economy, generating billions of euros in revenue per year. According to the Federal…

Arten von Großhandelsunternehmen | Types of Wholesale

The different kinds of Wholesale Businesses

  Wholesale businesses are all around us. From fueling the dropship revolution to supplying critical pandemic supplies worldwide; wholesalers are an important part of our economic infrastructure. Research Germany explains, “the German…

b2b wholesale distribution facing insolvency

B2B Wholesale & Distribution: Challenges and Triumphs of Industrial Wholesale Companies Facing Insolvency in Germany

  Insolvency? A debtor that cannot pay its debts and liabilities to creditors. No cash, no business. In Germany, specialist wholesalers and industrial distributors who can no longer meet their payment obligations due to current or foreseeable…

B2B Digital Transformation in Sales: Facts & Trends

Facts and trends about the B2B digital transformation. If you are leading a Business-to-Business manufacturer or distributor, you know it already: sales is currently experiencing a massive transformation across the globe. Advancement in artificial…

Challenges Wholesale

Current Challenges in B2B Wholesale

  Between supplier price pressure, supply chain problems and customer anger: Why wholesalers win with value-based customer management. Many wholesalers are currently struggling with sudden increases in purchasing and cost prices as well as…

Wollschläger Company Building

The History and Downfall of a German Wholesale Company “Wollschläger” – Part 4

  It continues with the last part of the story and the downfall of the wholesale company "Wollschläger". What can wholesale companies learn from this? Click here, if you have not read part 3 yet. The history of Sanistål dates back to the…