The Use of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Wholesale: A Success Story

  It is a story about an AI journey with the Verband Technischer Handel (VTH). In March of this year, we organized a very well-received webinar with almost 200 registrations and over 100 participants. Shortly afterwards, I received an email…

Data-Driven Forecasting: The Key to B2B Wholesale Revenue Growth

  What role does predictive sales analytics play in driving revenue for B2B wholesale distributors? In today's digital age, access to data has become one of a company's most valuable assets. Especially in B2B wholesale, data-driven predictions…

Dynamic Pricing in Specialist Wholesaling: Revolutionising Sales Strategy with AI

  At a time when specialist wholesalers in Germany are facing unprecedented competitive pressure, sales managers and managing directors are looking for innovative ways to strengthen their market position. The increase in direct sales by…

What Data is Necessary for AI in Wholesale?

  What data is needed for precise AI-based sales forecasts in wholesale? Wholesale companies today face a multitude of challenges. Rising customer expectations, complex supply chains, increasing competitive pressure, and the need to cut costs…

Processes, Tools and Data in modern B2B Wholesale

  AI in industrial wholesale: how does modern sales work? In the dynamic environment of specialised wholesale, efficient processes, powerful tools and the intelligent use of data are essential in order to remain competitive. Specialist…

The Future of B2B Wholesale: Predictive Sales Analytics Applications – Opportunities and Challenges

  B2B wholesale is experiencing profound change, driven by technological advances and changing customer needs. In this dynamic environment, the correct use of data is becoming a decisive success factor. Predictive sales analytics…

What is predictive sales in B2B wholesale?

  B2B wholesalers in many sectors, such as electrical wholesalers, industrial supplies and component retailers, now benefit from modern predictive sales software. The B2B wholesale market is a fast-moving market characterised by intense…

Wholesale as a Success Factor: Modern Customer Relationship Management

  Wholesale distribution plays a critical role in the modern economy, linking manufacturers and retailers. Successfully capturing markets and retaining customers is, therefore, central to the growth and stability of a wholesale business.…

Intelligente Preisgestaltung | Predictive Pricing Wholesale

Intelligent, Predictive Pricing: the Key to B2B Wholesale Success

  Digitalisation is a blessing and a curse, an opportunity, and a threat. Nearly 900 German wholesale companies took part in a recent study by Roland Berger and the German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services Association (BGA). Almost all of…

Zahlen über Künstliche Intelligenz in B2B-Unternehmen

Artificial Intelligence in German B2B Companies – What do the Figures tell us?

  Especially since the launch of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in Germany has experienced another substantial boost. But what do the numbers say? In this article, we look at the current usage of AI in…