What is predictive sales in B2B wholesale?

  B2B wholesalers in many sectors, such as electrical wholesalers, industrial supplies and component retailers, now benefit from modern predictive sales software. The B2B wholesale market is a fast-moving market characterised by intense…

Wholesale as a Success Factor: Modern Customer Relationship Management

  Wholesale distribution plays a critical role in the modern economy, linking manufacturers and retailers. Successfully capturing markets and retaining customers is, therefore, central to the growth and stability of a wholesale business.…

Intelligente Preisgestaltung | Predictive Pricing Wholesale

Intelligent, Predictive Pricing: the Key to B2B Wholesale Success

  Digitalisation is a blessing and a curse, an opportunity, and a threat. Nearly 900 German wholesale companies took part in a recent study by Roland Berger and the German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services Association (BGA). Almost all of…

Zahlen über Künstliche Intelligenz in B2B-Unternehmen

Artificial Intelligence in German B2B Companies – What do the Figures tell us?

  Especially since the launch of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in Germany has experienced another substantial boost. But what do the numbers say? In this article, we look at the current usage of AI in…

B2B Großhandel in Deutschland: Zahlungsunfähigkeiten und Insolvenzen.

B2B Wholesale & Distribution in Germany: Insolvency.

  In the ten years leading up to 2020, the German wholesale industry saw a decline of around 34,000 businesses, as reported by the Statistisches Bundesamt. So has the total number of companies in wholesale trade (excluding trade in motor…

KI gegen den Fachkräftemangel im Großhandel

How can AI help with labour shortage in B2B wholesale and manufacturing?

  The importance of predictive sales software to address the skills shortage in Germany's specialist wholesale sector. The shortage of skilled workers in Germany has reached alarming proportions and is particularly affecting the specialist…

Top 3 Predictive Analytics Software für den Großhandel

The Top 3 Predictive Sales Analytics Software for B2B Wholesalers in Germany

The rise of e-commerce has put much pressure on B2B wholesalers in Germany to optimize their sales strategies. With around 5,000 to 10,000 customers with 20,000 to 100,000 articles, it is challenging for wholesalers to predict customer behaviour,…

ERP Data Mining im B2B Großhandel

Data Mining ERP in B2B Wholesale & Distribution

  B2B sales managers and managing directors of specialised wholesalers in Germany face many challenges in today's competitive business environment. The rise of e-commerce has made it necessary for wholesale distributors to leverage data…

Top Problems in Wholesale Sales

The Top Challenges Facing the Wholesale Trade in Germany

  What are the challenges faced by wholesalers in Germany from the point of view of their salespeople? The wholesale trade in Germany is a vital sector of the economy, generating billions of euros in revenue per year. According to the Federal…

Arten von Großhandelsunternehmen | Types of Wholesale

The different kinds of Wholesale Businesses

  Wholesale businesses are all around us. From fueling the dropship revolution to supplying critical pandemic supplies worldwide; wholesalers are an important part of our economic infrastructure. Research Germany explains, “the German…