
The digital future of B2B sales - Expert Interview

Mister Oenning, we know each other through the Federal Association of Sales Manager e.V. (Bundesverband der Vertriebsmanager e.V. (BdVM) ). Could please you introduce yourself to our readers?

With pleasure. First, I am a salesperson, and I have been one with sales passion from the start. I find it very exciting and inspiring to work at the end of value-added processes. It is there, when the customer chooses one particular product or service, which everything a company does shows its real worth.

So, what can be more attractive and more challenging than working for this success?
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Your sales role defines your sales analytics needs

Tell us what your business function is and we tell you what kind of business intelligence you need.

Sales Manager, Key Account Manager and Sales Controller are different positions in B2B sales. All three roles aim to advance sales and make it more efficient. Nevertheless, the requirements for a sales analysis are rather different.

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Qymatix Kundenanalyse

Qymatix Artificial intelligence for B2B sales

Qymatix offers you a flexible way to implement artificial intelligence in your ERP and CRM. You don't need to be an IT expert and you don't need to worry about an expensive project.

How can you implement artificial intelligence for sales planning and controlling in your ERP and CRM system? In three simple steps:

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Cloud ERP applications are transforming sales in B2B


The time is now. The shift to the cloud in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market is well underway.

This transformation is bringing unfair competitive advantages. Per Gartner, cloud-first strategies are the foundation for staying competitive in a fast-paced world. Cloud-first strategies spell, of course, enormous implications for Business-to-Business (B2B) sales.

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