Autonome KI

Autonomous AI – when does the computer bear responsibility for errors?

  Artificial intelligence is taking over more and more tasks in companies. But what if they make a mistake? Who can be held responsible for it? We explain how autonomy and responsibility are related and what this means for you and your…

Human and/or machine – Why we are afraid of AI: The ELIZA effect.

  Does your robot vacuum cleaner have a name? Have you ever thought that Alexa has a sense of humour or Siri is having a bad day? And if Google Maps gets it wrong once and directs you right into a traffic jam, is that forgivable because it's a…

Level Up! How AI Upgrades B2B Sales Processes.

  Perhaps you know the difference between effectiveness and efficiency. But do you take it into account in your daily work in sales? In this article, I show you how to upgrade your sales processes from effective to efficient to avoid "game…

Change of Perspective: Biases in B2B Sales

Why You are Not as Successful as You Think – Cognitive Biases in Everyday B2B Sales.

  Do you f.e. know the "egocentric bias"? What perception disorders influence your (mis)success in B2B sales? I'm pretty sure you won't like to hear some of the things in this article. However, my advice to you is: open your eyes and get…

future of b2b sales

Continuity versus Change – The “Rope Effect” in B2B Sales

  Many talk about a change or even a transformation of business-to-business sales, but some things will remain the same in the future. In this article, I would like to look at both sides and find an answer to the question: What remains better…

Predictions by AI – Is Your Job in Danger?

  Which Jobs Can be Taken Over by Artificial Intelligence? We believe that the skills that mainly revolve around making predictions may be replaceable by machines. Is your job one of them? This blog article presents four implications of AI in…

Autonome KI

Autonomous AI – when does the computer bear responsibility for errors?

  Artificial intelligence is taking over more and more tasks in companies. But what if they make a mistake? Who can be held responsible for it? We explain how autonomy and responsibility are related and what this means for you and your…

Changemanagement b2b sales

The New-Normal in B2B Sales

  New Year - New Normal? What has changed in B2B sales due to the Corona crisis, and what should you know about it? Learn the four most essential insights from the crisis year here. The year 2020 was a turbulent year with many ups and downs…