Kundenabwanderung vorhersagen | Predicting Customer Churn

How to Predict Customer Churn in B2B with AI


For businesses selling ad-hoc, it's hard for companies to predict customer churn. That is in contrast to as-a-Service subscription-based businesses for whom identifying at-risk customers is more accessible right from the initial sign-up.

SaaS businesses benefit from constantly updated, deep, live client usage statistics in the free trial and beyond when they become subscribers. They build AI-based churn prediction models on historical data tracking how often clients log in and what features they use.
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Kundenabwanderung Definition und Verringerung mit Predictive Analytics

How to Define and Reduce Customer Churn in B2B Sales


Customer churn in B2B refers to a portion of subscribers or contract customers who change suppliers during a certain period of time. In B2B practice, some churn goes unnoticed for a long time or is only detected when it is already too late.

Have you ever wondered how you can reduce the likelihood of churn and target B2B loyalty programmes?
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Retain Customers | Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

Retain Customers with Artificial Intelligence - Churn Prediction

Reduce customer churn and attrition with Qymatix Predictive Sales Software.

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Win Back lost customers in B2B

How to Win Back Lost Customers in B2B

Joachim Meyn has many years of experience in B2B sales and customer management. In this article, he shares his impressions on the topic of "customer recovery".

First of all, losing customers is an entirely normal process. Therefore, one of the reasons to conduct systematic new customer acquisition is to replace these departing customers.

However, you should remember that it is about 10 to 11 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. It is therefore advisable to devote a certain amount of effort and resources to customer retention. But what happens when it is already too late?

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Predictive Analytics and Customer Behaviour

Predictive Analytics to Understand Customer Behavior in the B2B Sector

Predictive analytics is an innovative technology in the B2B sector that calculates data-based predictions about customer behavior.

For some B2B companies, predicting customer behavior is like guesswork. Managers sit together and try to make predictions about upcoming sales, future pricing or appropriate customer loyalty measures.

Often these forecasts are based on sales reports, sales representative’s own gut feeling and, Excel analyses created with a lot of frustration. Don't get us wrong, the gut feeling of an experienced sales team can very often be right, especially when it comes to customers they have had a lot of contact with. But what about all the other customers?

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