Earn Millions of Euros with Dynamic Pricing Analytics
Automate personalisation and pricing processes in B2B using Qymatix B2B Pricing Analytics Software.
Predictive Sales Forecasting: Answers to 5 Questions of Salespeople
Why should we use predictive sales forecasts in sales? This article is aimed at anyone thinking of using AI for more efficient sales planning and sales management. Every Saturday morning, Mr. Meier visits the magazine store around the corner…
How Predictive Sales Analytics Works and Why It Matters
AI-based programs help your sales team to sell products are services more efficiently. The programs make predictions about your customers' behaviour: who will churn? Who might pay a different price or buy an additional product? The…
Study: Automated, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based pricing versus Human-based pricing in B2B
To further explore the potential of automating the B2B salesperson’s pricing decisions. You'll learn the results of a field experiment conducted by Yael Karlinsky-Shichor (School of Business at Northeastern) and Oded Netzer (Columbia…
Pricing in B2B: will AI replace salespeople?
When will AI replace Sales Jobs in Pricing, and what can you do about it. Will AI replace sales jobs? Short answer: no. Long answer: it depends. Artificial intelligence replaces skills and tasks, not people. While AI for sales might be…
The relationship between customer churn and pricing analytics
Customer Churn Trigger Analysis: Why You cannot separate it of pricing. Think for a moment of the last time you visited your favourite restaurant and had your favourite dish. In my case, it was an Argentinean filet together with a glass…
The Top 7 Mental Notes Sales Managers Are Making Today
What sales managers are thinking about their jobs today but would never say. The sales management profession is rapidly changing. A few years ago, a good manager was, well, a manager. Nowadays she must be a coach, a mentor, and a data…
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