Artificial Intelligence in B2B Wholesale

Artificial intelligence in Retail – What can Wholesale Learn from Retail?

  How is artificial intelligence (AI) being used in retail and what can wholesalers take away from it? In this post, I will describe a real-world example of a case in the realm of artificial intelligence in B2C retail. You will learn about the…

Customer Retention in Wholesale with AI and Predictive Sales Analytics

Better Customer Retention in B2B Wholesale Through Algorithms

  Learn three ways to increase customer loyalty with algorithms and Predictive Sales Analytics in B2B wholesale. Should computer programs be able to increase customer loyalty in wholesale? Yes. And no. We'll discuss what is exactly meant by…

Black Box Trap Machine Learning

How to avoid the Causality Trap of Black-Box Machine Learning

  Sales Acceleration with Predictive Analytics Software: How to avoid The Causality Trap of Black-Box Machine Learning. Successful B2B managers use AI-based predictive analytics software to accelerate sales. However, they often want to find…

data driven decision versus intuition

Data-driven Management – has Intuition had its day?

Which decisions are better? Intuitive decisions from the gut or rational decisions based on data and facts? This question occupies countless researchers, and there is still no clear answer. Currently, in the age of big data, data mining and…


Predictive Analytics & Controlling – How to use it in B2B Sales

How the sales analytics tools you use impact your sales controlling. Controlling sales in B2B is increasingly becoming a high-tech game. Since selling cycles in business-to-business are getting longer and sales is getting more expensive,…

b2b sales trends

B2B Sales Trends – What Really Matters

What are essential trends in B2B sales and how to succeed in this flood of innovation? B2B Sales is fighting an innovation race. Sales managers often have to decide whether they want to engage in a new "sales trend" or not. Which new sales channels…

Customer Analytics, Kundenanalyse, Kundenwert

Predictive Customer Analytics: From customer analysis to customer value

  Customer analytics with predictive analytics can provide valuable information for sales activities. Do you really know your customers - and not only the large-scale customers? Successful Customer Analytics should provide you with all the…

Trends im B2B Vertrieb 2020 und 2021

B2B-Trends 2020/21: The Top 6 in Sales

Whether digital platforms, AI or chatbots. In the future, B2B sales must deal with these six critical trends. Experts guess every year what the next hot B2B trends will be. Artificial intelligence is on the main scenario now, for B2B sales and its…

wie man die datenqualität verbessert

If Your Data Is Bad, Your Sales AI Tools Are Useless

The impact of poor data quality in business analytics and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) is steadily advancing in B2B sales. AI is changing the way customers are buying and therefore how salespeople should work. The gathering…

algo management future of sales

Why Algorithms Are The Future Of Sales Success

We put our lives in the hands of autopilots regularly. When are we trusting AI with our customer relationships? Lawrence Sperry was the third son of Elmer Sperry, one of America’s most prolific inventors. Elmer filed 400 individual patents, more…