Why is your ERP useless without AI?
Why is a legacy ERP becoming irrelevant in an AI era, and what can you do about it? Let’s face it. In a few years, we will lose the battle against the terminator. Even without the help of a computer scientist, a sales manager recognizes that the…
What You Need from Sales Reporting Software Today
Sales Reporting Software: a critical tool for efficient sales management and control in B2B. Reporting sales has become a fact-of-life for B2B sales managers. Selecting a sales reporting software can make or break any sales operations.…
Qymatix awarded as a winner of the competition “100 places for industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg”
"Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg" chooses Qymatix as a prize winner for artificial intelligence for ERP systems. Karlsruhe, 03.08.2020. By video message, State Secretary Katrin Schütz awarded the winners of the „100 Orte für Industrie 4.0…
The Top 5 ERP Sales Data Mining Techniques You Need in B2B Now
Pythia, priestess of Apollo at Delphi, commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi, was one of the most important oracles of Greek antiquity. In classical Greece, an oracle was a person considered to provide insightful advice or prophetic…
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