Sales Reporting Software

What You Need from Sales Reporting Software Today

  Sales Reporting Software: a critical tool for efficient sales management and control in B2B. Reporting sales has become a fact-of-life for B2B sales managers. Selecting a sales reporting software can make or break any sales operations.…

B2B Customer Journey Management

How to improve your B2B Customer Journey with Predictive Analytics

About the b2b Customer Journey Management and how Predictive Analytics can help. Predictive analytics, customer-centric selling, and optimization of the customer journey (CJ) have long been part of everyday life in the B2C sector. In the B2B…


How B2B Data Analytics is Changing Sales

How Big Data and Advanced Analytics Are Revolutionizing Sales in B2B, and What Managers Should Know About It. B2B customer buying experience is radically changing. This trend has led to dramatic changes in the sales profession over the past……


The Case for AI in B2B Sales

  Why artificial intelligence in B2B sales is unavoidable and what you can do about it. Adapt or die – a fact of life for B2B sales nowadays. Key Account Managers know this too well, for they have very different tasks and jobs, as compared…

algo management future of sales

Why Algorithms Are The Future Of Sales Success

We put our lives in the hands of autopilots regularly. When are we trusting AI with our customer relationships? Lawrence Sperry was the third son of Elmer Sperry, one of America’s most prolific inventors. Elmer filed 400 individual patents, more…

Kundenbindung statt Kundenabwanderung mit Qymatix

How to use Big Data to stop customer churn in B2B | Predicting Customer Churn

Sales leaders in business-to-business (B2B) organisations are under constant pressure to spot new business opportunities. It is, however, a too often neglected fact, that some of their current customers will churn and recurring revenues will not…


Shakespeare is dead! Let machine learning bring intelligence to your text.

One first-hand example of predictive text scoring and sentiment analytics using machine learning. We are always looking for a way to bring machine learning to ERP-Systems. Companies can apply a Predictive Scoring using Machine Learning to…

Predictive Analytics CRM – A New CRM or Predictive Analytics? What comes first?

The top 3 reasons why successful companies avoid changing their CRM and use Predictive Analytics instead Implementing a new Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) is a minefield for B2B companies. These projects tend to last longer than…

Four Machine Learning Applications Your B2B Sales Teams Might Be Using Today

Real life machine learning examples for B2B sales Without any doubt, in the coming years, progress in machine learning, artificial intelligence and sales automation, will replace many of the time-consuming tasks of B2B salespeople. Your sales team…


How to use software for customer churn to improve customer retention – Qymatix Example

Reduction of customer attrition by implementing a churn prediction software in your sales reporting Understanding and avoiding customer churn ( or attrition) in Business-to-Business(B2B) organisations can make the difference between a successful…