b2b pricing analytics

Pricing in B2B: will AI replace salespeople?

  When will AI replace Sales Jobs in Pricing, and what can you do about it. Will AI replace sales jobs? Short answer: no. Long answer: it depends. Artificial intelligence replaces skills and tasks, not people. While AI for sales might be…

Artificial Intelligence in b2b sales

Qymatix supports international research project in sales and artificial intelligence

Karlsruhe, 18.11.2021. Qymatix supports an exciting international research project: Three researchers from three different universities have joined forces for a joint research project: "Success in sales through the use of artificial intelligence…

Die Macht der Daten

B2B Predictive Analytics – Successful Data Management

How to make data work for your B2B sales team while avoiding common pitfalls in data management We can associate power with strength, force and influence, but also with destruction and violence - the typical two sides of a coin. Sayings like “data…

All About ERP Data Mining for Sales

Data Mining in ERP for Sales – All About It!

ERP Data Mining: what we learnt from analysing 100 million of B2B sales transactions. Data mining is the application of a varied assortment of statistical techniques to ERP datasets. Companies nowadays use data mining to predict outcomes, identify…

Autonome KI

Autonomous AI – when does the computer bear responsibility for errors?

  Artificial intelligence is taking over more and more tasks in companies. But what if they make a mistake? Who can be held responsible for it? We explain how autonomy and responsibility are related and what this means for you and your…

AI Champions BW

Qymatix is the winner of the “AI-Champions BW 2021 Award”

Qymatix receives the "AI-Champions BW 2021" award from Minister Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut in Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 26.07.2021 The "AI-Champions BW 2021" award ceremony took place for the second time in a hybrid event in Stuttgart. State Minister of…

data driven decision versus intuition

Data-driven Management – has Intuition had its day?

Which decisions are better? Intuitive decisions from the gut or rational decisions based on data and facts? This question occupies countless researchers, and there is still no clear answer. Currently, in the age of big data, data mining and…


Why is your ERP useless without AI?

Why is a legacy ERP becoming irrelevant in an AI era, and what can you do about it? Let’s face it. In a few years, we will lose the battle against the terminator. Even without the help of a computer scientist, a sales manager recognizes that the…

Preispolitikanalyse und Kundenabwanderung

The relationship between customer churn and pricing analytics

  Customer Churn Trigger Analysis: Why You cannot separate it of pricing. Think for a moment of the last time you visited your favourite restaurant and had your favourite dish. In my case, it was an Argentinean filet together with a glass…

Cloud based AI Software

Why AI-based sales software is cloud-based

  Trend in B2B sales shows clearly towards expanding services from the cloud. The Internet has long since ceased to be just a means of communication. Companies today obtain a wide variety of software and countless services directly from the…