AI in b2b sales

Where AI already Supports Sales Today

  Learn seven practical use cases where artificial intelligence is already supporting sales today. More and more companies are using AI to streamline processes in sales and hand over unpleasant tasks to algorithms. AI is therefore assistance…

Predictive Analytics and Customer Behaviour

Predictive Analytics to Understand Customer Behavior in the B2B Sector

Predictive analytics is an innovative technology in the B2B sector that calculates data-based predictions about customer behavior. For some B2B companies, predicting customer behavior is like guesswork. Managers sit together and try to make…

Predictive Sales Analytics Fragen Vertrieb

Predictive Sales Forecasting: Answers to 5 Questions of Salespeople

  Why should we use predictive sales forecasts in sales? This article is aimed at anyone thinking of using AI for more efficient sales planning and sales management. Every Saturday morning, Mr. Meier visits the magazine store around the corner…


Why a CRM System with Predictive Sales Analytics and AI?

  CRM and Sales Analytics: In this article, you will learn what you can expect from a CRM system with artificial intelligence. Using CRM systems have long been a common practice in large companies today, even if not always successfully…


Five interesting Facts & Statistics About B2B Distribution

  B2B Sales is changing because buyers are changing – mainly in the way they buy. Companies in B2B distribution are particularly affected by the changes in customer behaviour and their competitive environment. The shift in customer behaviour…


How to define customer churn in B2B?

  B2B Churn Rate: Definition and Calculation. Business-to-Business (B2B) companies depend on building and developing long-term relationships with their customers to be financially successful. However, over time, some customers will stop…

Umsatzwachstum: Kundenbindung als Booster im B2B

Customer Attrition in B2B: loyalty as a sales growth booster

  Predictive analytics for customer retention plays a critical role to accelerate sales in Business-to-Business. Building customer loyalty successfully and efficiently is what makes business-to-business companies thriving on the long-term.…


Strength in price setting is your profit driver number one

The Impact of Pricing Analytics on your company earnings. Everybody knows, B2B pricing analytics represents one of the most critical levers to boost earnings. Still, this reality is a sometimes-overlooked fact in Business-to-Business (B2B). However,…

Industrial distribution: Identify potential for cross-selling with predictive analytics

How wholesalers and distributors recognize cross-selling potentials with predictive analytics. Many manufacturers now sell their products directly to end consumers via web marketplaces. Unfortunately, wholesale trade and industrial distribution are…


Shakespeare is dead! Let machine learning bring intelligence to your text.

One first-hand example of predictive text scoring and sentiment analytics using machine learning. We are always looking for a way to bring machine learning to ERP-Systems. Companies can apply a Predictive Scoring using Machine Learning to…