How can a classic salesforce get started with predictive analytics?

In the future, it will be all about reading customer data correctly and drawing the right conclusions for customer strategy. That means a paradigm shift for the classic, contract-trimmed salesforce. Is the classic field salesforce as known to…

Kundenbindung statt Kundenabwanderung mit Qymatix

How to use Big Data to stop customer churn in B2B | Predicting Customer Churn

Sales leaders in business-to-business (B2B) organisations are under constant pressure to spot new business opportunities. It is, however, a too often neglected fact, that some of their current customers will churn and recurring revenues will not…


Why KPI’s Are Important to Your Sales Growth

Business success is usually measured in Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantifiable evidence used to determine how well the sales goals are being met or will be met in the future. Selecting the right set of key performance indicators is critical…


Qymatix Steps Up the Sales AI Game with a new release of its Predictive Sales Analytics Software

  Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with Predictive Sales Analytics from Qymatix AI. Karlsruhe, 21.11.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to increase customer lifetime value using predictive sales analytics.…


Shakespeare is dead! Let machine learning bring intelligence to your text.

One first-hand example of predictive text scoring and sentiment analytics using machine learning. We are always looking for a way to bring machine learning to ERP-Systems. Companies can apply a Predictive Scoring using Machine Learning to…


The remarkable truth about Predictive Sales Analytics & Controlling

Is predictive sales analytics software the newest secret weapon in B2B? No organisation will survive the next decade without harvesting the power of predictive sales analytics. However, many sales leaders in Business-to-Business (B2B) still lack…

Predictive Analytics CRM – A New CRM or Predictive Analytics? What comes first?

The top 3 reasons why successful companies avoid changing their CRM and use Predictive Analytics instead Implementing a new Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) is a minefield for B2B companies. These projects tend to last longer than…


How to use software for customer churn to improve customer retention – Qymatix Example

Reduction of customer attrition by implementing a churn prediction software in your sales reporting Understanding and avoiding customer churn ( or attrition) in Business-to-Business(B2B) organisations can make the difference between a successful…


Predictive analytics – how much data do you really need?

  How Much Data Do You Need For Predictive Analytics? Predictive analytics is one of the technologies with the highest financial impact in B2B sales. Several popular applications of predictive analytics are becoming “must-have” nowadays. Sales…


The Top 5 ERP Sales Data Mining Techniques You Need in B2B Now

  Pythia, priestess of Apollo at Delphi, commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi, was one of the most important oracles of Greek antiquity. In classical Greece, an oracle was a person considered to provide insightful advice or prophetic…