Sales Acceleration mit Qymatix Predictive Analytics Software

Qymatix Selected for the Official German Accelerator Program

Qymatix is helping business get ahead with predictive sales and artificial intelligence. Karlsruhe, 28.10.2020. The German Accelerator has selected Qymatix Solutions GmbH for its namesake program. Some well-know startups that took part in the…

Customer Analytics, Kundenanalyse, Kundenwert

Predictive Customer Analytics: From customer analysis to customer value

  Customer analytics with predictive analytics can provide valuable information for sales activities. Do you really know your customers - and not only the large-scale customers? Successful Customer Analytics should provide you with all the…

Qymatix Predictive Sales Software in Microsoft for Startups Program

Qymatix selected for “Microsoft for Startups Program”

Qymatix is helping business get ahead with predictive sales and artificial intelligence. Karlsruhe, 07.10.2020. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is now part of Microsoft for Startups Program. It is a global program dedicated to helping B2B startups…

Trends im B2B Vertrieb 2020 und 2021

B2B-Trends 2020/21: The Top 6 in Sales

Whether digital platforms, AI or chatbots. In the future, B2B sales must deal with these six critical trends. Experts guess every year what the next hot B2B trends will be. Artificial intelligence is on the main scenario now, for B2B sales and its…

Algorithmic Management in B2B Sales

Artificial Intelligence in Sales: B2B Algorithmic Management

Modern data-driven management in B2B sales is where Big Data meets Artificial Intelligence. Using AI for sales efficiency. Although algorithmic management boasts a fancy, new name, managing a workforce using data is not necessarily a new postulate.…


How to use software for customer churn to improve customer retention – Qymatix Example

Reduction of customer attrition by implementing a churn prediction software in your sales reporting Understanding and avoiding customer churn ( or attrition) in Business-to-Business(B2B) organisations can make the difference between a successful…

predictive analytics in construction

Predictive Analytics in B2B E-commerce: A customer acquisition example

Predictive Analytics - Opportunities for new customer acquisition in B2B e-commerce using the example of an Austrian construction supplier.Mr Haunschmid, please introduce yourself to our readers.My name is Thomas Haunschmid, and I live in Lower…


How a Poor Lead Scoring Methodology is Hurting your Business.

Classic Pipeline Management & Lead Scoring vs Predictive Analytics Sales in Business-to-Business is dramatically changing. Personal contacts and relationships are no longer a guarantee for more business. Pure push strategies are losing its…