Qymatix Artificial Intelligence for ERP Systems

Qymatix awarded as a winner of the competition "100 places for industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg"

"Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg" chooses Qymatix as a prize winner for artificial intelligence for ERP systems.

Karlsruhe, 03.08.2020. By video message, State Secretary Katrin Schütz awarded the winners of the „100 Orte für Industrie 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg“.

We are proud that Qymatix Solutions GmbH has been distinguished as one of only 13 companies on the topic of artificial intelligence.

The "Alliance Industry 4.0 Baden-Württemberg" aimed to discover innovative business concepts with this competition. These innovative business concepts should be successfully implemented in an industrial environment. Critical aspects for the evaluation criteria of the expert-jury were the degree of innovation and the practical relevance for Industry 4.0.

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The Top 7 Mental Notes Sales Managers Are Making Today

What sales managers are thinking about their jobs today but would never say.

The sales management profession is rapidly changing. A few years ago, a good manager was, well, a manager. Nowadays she must be a coach, a mentor, and a data analyst, among many other roles.

In today’s fast-paced B2B sales world an accomplished leader should make her team work cooperatively together. Only working together, they can successfully create value for their customers.

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ERP Data Mining

What Big Data Mining Means for ERP & Sales

a short article about erp data mining and how sales managers can quickly spot opportunities based on their ERP and CRM data.

Sales managers in B2B can dig their ERP sales data for valuable insights

Start with your existing data. The most common and more useful data a sales manager possess is her Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) sales data, together with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data.
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Support of AI-based software solutions in the B2B sales process

An excerpt from Tamara Mayer’s bachelor thesis with a status quo analysis and recommendations for action.

Tamara Mayer is a graduate of the Landshut University of Applied Sciences and has dealt with the topic of artificial intelligence in B2B sales in her bachelor’s thesis. In the context of this thesis, she conducted several expert interviews - among others with the managing director of Qymatix Solutions GmbH Lucas Pedretti.

In the following excerpt of her work, Tamara Mayer gives concrete recommendations to companies who want to optimize their sales processes with AI.
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Predictive Analytics Blog – The Best of 2019

Es ist wieder soweit: Das Jahr neigt sich rasant dem Ende zu und wenn wir zurückschauen hat sich 2019 einiges bei Qymatix getan.

KI und maschinelles Lernen dringt immer weiter in die Unternehmenswelt in Deutschland vor. Das haben wir dieses Jahr – in positiver Weise – deutlich zu spüren bekommen! Spannende Projekte, neue Kooperationen und Interessenten haben uns dieses Jahr durchweg begleitet.

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5 Deadly Sentences A Sales Manager Should Never Pronounce

How to pronounce “analytics” in sales and keep your job.

Almost all sales managers hold a wisdom about their business. However, there are – at least - five fatal sentences an excellent Sales Manager should never say.

Your customers are changing. Is your sales team ready for the future? Are they prepared for a digital transformation? In this article, we would like to discuss five common misperceptions that, if unchecked, will cost you your sales management job.

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Qymatix Steps Up the Sales AI Game with a new release of its Predictive Sales Analytics Software


Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with Predictive Sales Analytics from Qymatix AI.

Karlsruhe, 21.11.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to increase customer lifetime value using predictive sales analytics.

Qymatix is releasing today the second version of its Software-as-a-Service Tool using the latest data visualisation, front-end and data mining technology.
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Qymatix is the only German startup invited to the Deep Dive Meetup "Customer Centricity" of STARTUP AUTOBAHN.

On November 7, Qymatix Solutions GmbH presents its Predictive Sales Analytics solution to a selected group of innovative German corporations.

This Meetup is all about "Customer Centricity & Operational Excellence" at BASF's headquarters in Ludwigshafen. And Qymatix - as the only German startup in the field of "Customer Centricity" - belongs to these innovative young companies.

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When is Artificial Intelligence Replacing my Sales Job?

Will Artificial intelligence replace your Sales Job?

We believe that automation and artificial intelligence simply replace jobs. They do not. They replace the skills and tasks of a making up a profession instead.

Therefore, if you are wondering when artificial intelligence is going to replace your sales job, you need to analyse which tasks and skills make it up. High-productivity jobs – such as B2B Sales Jobs – requires advanced skills such as decision making, problem-solving, and advanced analysis.

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