Machine Learning B2B Companies

Four Situations Where you Should Not use Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is a great technology. But does it really have to be used all the time? This post is about four situations where you shouldn't use machine learning.

There is (rightfully) a lot of hype around artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML). As we said, great technologies and use cases are emerging from it. You can also find many examples that use machine learning in our blog articles. But in which situations is machine learning not necessary?

Remember, there are always exceptions to the examples to come. However, your AI project will probably be five times more difficult if these examples apply.
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KI Systeme Vertrieb

Will Artificial Intelligence be Picasso of Tomorrow?

Can Artificial Intelligence be creative?

The cover picture shows the faces of four people. One person does not exist - artificial intelligence (AI) created it. Can you guess who? Number 1, 2, 3 or 4? Read the article to the end and we will tell you.

Today we stray a bit from our usual focus on modern data analysis with predictive analytics and B2B sales. We dedicate ourselves to the question of whether artificial intelligence can be creative.

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Customer Retention in Wholesale with AI and Predictive Sales Analytics

Better Customer Retention in B2B Wholesale Through Algorithms

Learn three ways to increase customer loyalty with algorithms and Predictive Sales Analytics in B2B wholesale.

Should computer programs be able to increase customer loyalty in wholesale? Yes. And no. We'll discuss what is exactly meant by this in this post.

According to a survey by Roland Berger, customer loyalty was already a top priority for wholesale companies in 2016. However, 1 in 5 wholesale companies also believed that their efforts in the area of digitalization were not yet sufficient to survive the digital competition.

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Partnership Qymatix Predictive Sales and Orbis AG

New Partnership between Qymatix Solutions GmbH and ORBIS AG

Karlsruhe, 10.02.2022. Qymatix Solutions GmbH cooperates with ORBIS AG. ORBIS supports medium-sized companies as well as international corporations in the digitalization of their business processes. The goal of the partnership is to accelerate the adoption of new AI technologies with the Qymatix Predictive Sales Software. Artificial intelligence "out-of-the-box", instead of long AI projects.

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How Predictive Analytics works and why it matters

How Predictive Sales Analytics Works and Why It Matters


AI-based programs help your sales team to sell products are services more efficiently. The programs make predictions about your customers' behaviour: who will churn? Who might pay a different price or buy an additional product?

The technology behind this is called "predictive analytics" or, in sales terms, "predictive sales analytics".

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künstliche Intelligenz und Predictive Analytics im b2b vertrieb

Study: Automated, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based pricing versus Human-based pricing in B2B

To further explore the potential of automating the B2B salesperson’s pricing decisions.

You'll learn the results of a field experiment conducted by Yael Karlinsky-Shichor (School of Business at Northeastern) and Oded Netzer (Columbia University) to explore "Who makes better pricing decisions in B2B settings - humans or machines?"

We now know that algorithms and artificial intelligence are part of our daily lives. The general trust in systems like Google Maps is relatively high when looking at the number of users utilizing the platform.

Nevertheless, it often happens that we see a route suggestion that causes us to frown and think, "That seems weird to me. I don't think that's right."

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Häufigste Fragen Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics: Questions and Answers

This article answers the most asked questions about predictive analytics (PA), according to Google. Predictive analytics is a technology that allows you to look into the future.

Especially in the last two to three years, we have noticed a significant increase in interest in predictive analytics technologies, their possibilities, and their functionalities.

In 2015, we tried to find out what was frequently searched in the area ofpredictive analytics. Other than the question “What is predictive analytics?” no beneficial results came up.

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Die Macht der Daten

B2B Predictive Analytics - Successful Data Management

How to make data work for your B2B sales team while avoiding common pitfalls in data management

We can associate power with strength, force and influence, but also with destruction and violence - the typical two sides of a coin.

Sayings like “data is the new oil” or “data is a valuable asset” are on everyone’s lips in the age of Big Data. These statements might hide a profound truth, nevertheless. If used rightly, data is worth its weight in gold for a company.

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exotic ai projects

Where is artificial intelligence science? Seven exotic artificial intelligence applications.

What can artificial intelligence do today? What projects are being worked on and researched? We will give you a brief insight about seven exotic AI applications from around the world.

As a provider of AI-supported software for B2B sales, our AI application is towards a small niche area. We are concerned in the technology and research related to artificial intelligence. What is already available in the market today?

For example, I'm always fascinated when I come across an exotic AI application. By "exotic", I mean AI applications that are particularly impressive, are being used in exciting areas, and are not as well-known as autonomous driving.

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AI Myths

Artificial intelligence: truth or myth?

Statements about AI are very diverse. They reach from "new superpower" to "much noise about nothing". In this article, you will learn truths and myths according to AI.

How much do you know about artificial intelligence (AI)? Can you tell what is a truth or myth concerning AI and machine learning? Test your knowledge here.

As developers and distributors of AI-based predictive analytics software for B2B sales, we spend the whole day dealing with topics related to machine learning, artificial intelligence and its acceptance in the B2B sector.
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