Predictive Analytics: Three incredible future examples you should know about

Predictive Analytics: Three incredible future examples you should know about

Three Possible future scenarios in unexpected application areas of Predictive Analytics.

Let's explain the function of Predictive Analytics (PA) in simple terms: A software uses algorithms to analyze existing data and calculate probabilities of future events.

Due to big data and advances in technology, predictive analytics is becoming increasingly accurate and can predict events with an astonishing hit rate.

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Lead-Scoring with Predictive Analytics - Sell smarter!

How does AI-based predictive lead and customer scoring benefit your marketing and sales team over traditional methods?

Do you use your CRM system for your lead and customer evaluation and perhaps even with integrated marketing automation? You’re on the right track, but you can do even better: the next step is predictive lead and customer scoring.

Lead and customer scoring have been around for a long time and have proven itself: according to a study by MarketingSherpa, companies that used lead scoring models already achieved a lead generation ROI of 138% in 2011. This performance is almost double more than companies that do not use lead scoring methods (with an ROI of 78%).

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