Retain Customers | Qymatix Predictive Sales Software

Four Dangerous Signs That You Will Miss Your Sales Targets This Year

With a growth of 10.8 %, the year 2010 looked optimistic for the German media market, compared with 2008 and 2009. The…


algo management future of sales

Why Algorithms Are The Future Of Sales Success

We put our lives in the hands of autopilots regularly. When are we trusting AI with our customer relationships?…



What is the fuzz about Predictive Analytics? One example of B2B Sales will make you start today.

This predictive analytics example will surely make you uneasy about your sales costs today.   B2B sales went…


How can a classic salesforce get started with predictive analytics?

In the future, it will be all about reading customer data correctly and drawing the right conclusions for customer…


Kundenbindung statt Kundenabwanderung mit Qymatix

How to use Big Data to stop customer churn in B2B | Predicting Customer Churn

Sales leaders in business-to-business (B2B) organisations are under constant pressure to spot new business…



Why KPI’s Are Important to Your Sales Growth

Business success is usually measured in Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantifiable evidence used to determine how…


Support of AI-based software solutions in the B2B sales process

An excerpt from Tamara Mayer’s bachelor thesis with a status quo analysis and recommendations for action. Tamara Mayer…


How To Make Sure Your Sales Team Is Recession-Proof?

A B2B Recession-Proof Salesforce can keep any company afloat. Is there a global recession looming? Although there is…


Lead-Scoring with Predictive Analytics – Sell smarter!

How does AI-based predictive lead and customer scoring benefit your marketing and sales team over traditional……


Digital Sales Assistant Qymatix

Qymatix is now part of the Startup program TechBoost of Deutsche Telekom.

Telekom takes via the TechBoost Startup program the Qymatix Predictive Sales in offering for its business customers.…



5 Deadly Sentences A Sales Manager Should Never Pronounce

How to pronounce “analytics” in sales and keep your job. Almost all sales managers hold a wisdom about their business.…



Qymatix Steps Up the Sales AI Game with a new release of its Predictive Sales Analytics Software

  Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with Predictive Sales Analytics from Qymatix AI. Karlsruhe, 21.11.2018.…
