What Data is Necessary for AI in Wholesale?

  What data is needed for precise AI-based sales forecasts in wholesale? Wholesale companies today face a multitude of challenges. Rising customer expectations, complex supply chains, increasing competitive pressure, and the need to cut costs…

Processes, Tools and Data in modern B2B Wholesale

  AI in industrial wholesale: how does modern sales work? In the dynamic environment of specialised wholesale, efficient processes, powerful tools and the intelligent use of data are essential in order to remain competitive. Specialist…

What is Generative AI?

  Everywhere you look, news about generative AI platforms like Chat GPT abound. But the technology isn’t new, so much as it’s gotten amazing press in recent months. We created the cover image of the article with the help of DALL-E. The input…

The Future of B2B Wholesale: Predictive Sales Analytics Applications – Opportunities and Challenges

  B2B wholesale is experiencing profound change, driven by technological advances and changing customer needs. In this dynamic environment, the correct use of data is becoming a decisive success factor. Predictive sales analytics…

Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Real vs. Fake AI

  Is there real and fake artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted enormous interest and attention in recent years. From autonomous vehicles and speech recognition to personalized recommendation systems, the potential…

Where is Predictive Analytics used?

  Surprising ways predictive analytics is used. Predictive analytics isn’t new. In fact, there’s a very old story about target loyalty and number crunching that’s now the stuff of textbooks. The possibilities offered by AI models have also…


Predictive Analytics in Sales: 5 Ways it Can Power Yours to Success today

Five practical examples of Predictive Analytics that will make your sales team successful. Getting an edge in today’s competitive market place is vital. For B2B companies, possessing the tools to explore customer behaviour and prioritise leads not…

AI: The Human Factor in B2B Sales

  The Dance of Expectations and Realities when Implementing AI in B2B Sales. In the sprawling landscape of B2B sales, where specialist wholesalers in Germany grapple with the dual pressures of an ever-evolving e-commerce market and the need…

Predictive Sales Analytics B2B

Why is Predictive Sales Analytics a “Must-Have” to Increase Sales Productivity in Business-to-Business?

Predictive Sales Analytics is a Game-Changer in B2B. Productivity in business-to-business (B2B) sales is simply defined as the output rate of a sales team, considering all direct costs and performance. Two trends that are drastically affecting…

KI im Fachgrosshandel

Lucas Pedretti exclusively booked as AI specialist for eight VTH (Verband Technischer Handel) events

  Wholesale businesses can benefit greatly from the possibilities of artificial intelligence. The possible applications of AI in wholesale are manifold. Karlsruhe, Germany - Lucas Pedretti, Managing Director of Qymatix Solutions GmbH, has…