Deep Learining und machine Learning

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning

  Even before the advent of deep learning, we’ve been creating smarter processors that can help us do complex tasks like IBM Watson. But now that machine learning has been divided into subsets, many of these terms get confused or conflated.…

Kundenabwanderung vorhersagen | Predicting Customer Churn

How to Predict Customer Churn in B2B with AI

  For businesses selling ad-hoc, it's hard for companies to predict customer churn. That is in contrast to as-a-Service subscription-based businesses for whom identifying at-risk customers is more accessible right from the initial sign-up.…

Onlinekurs Implementierung KI-Assistent im Vertrieb

How to Implement AI-based Assistants in B2B Sales

  You are considering implementing AI-based predictive analytics in your sales organisation. Are you convinced that this type of technology will give you a competitive advantage? Then it is good to know what steps and what decisions you will…

Was bringt KI im Vertrieb

How does Artificial Intelligence help B2B Sales?

  Artificial intelligence (AI) in sales: AI helps customers and is rapidly revolutionising the world of B2B sales. With the ability of AI to analyse vast amounts of data and make complex predictions, AI has the potential to improve the…

Onlinekurs Predicting Cross- & Up-Selling

How to Realise Sales Potential with Cross- & Up-Selling in B2B Sales.

  Cross-selling (also known as cross-selling) the sale of an additional product or service to an existing customer. Targeted and individually adapted to the needs of the customer, cross-selling increases customer satisfaction and is a…

Top Problems in Wholesale Sales

The Top Challenges Facing the Wholesale Trade in Germany

  What are the challenges faced by wholesalers in Germany from the point of view of their salespeople? The wholesale trade in Germany is a vital sector of the economy, generating billions of euros in revenue per year. According to the Federal…

Kundenabwanderung Definition und Verringerung mit Predictive Analytics

How to Define and Reduce Customer Churn in B2B Sales

  Customer churn in B2B refers to a portion of subscribers or contract customers who change suppliers during a certain period of time. In B2B practice, some churn goes unnoticed for a long time or is only detected when it is already too late.…

Qymatix Academy B2B Vertrieb der Zukunft - Einfluss der Digitalisierung

The Future of B2B Sales – How Digitalisation influences Sales

  High-quality technology and predictive sales software are the future of B2B sales. In the next five years, more and more companies will change the way they work through digitalisation and the use of new sales analytics software. Digitisation…

kostenloser Online-Kurs über KI und maschinelles Lernen im B2B-Vertrieb

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can Help in B2B Sales

  Expand your expertise on the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in B2B sales. You want to tap your potential in B2B sales and have got a taste of AI through applications like ChatGPT? Various applications of…

KI und Predictive Analytics im B2B-Vertrieb Qymatix Academy

Qymatix Academy celebrates its Relaunch

Learn online everything about AI in sales and the successful use of predictive sales analytics at the Qymatix Academy. Save 50 % on all courses with the code SELLSMART! (Courses only available in German language) Karlsruhe, 27.04.2023. Qymatix…