Was Sie in den ersten 100 Tagen als neuer Vertriebsleiter beachten müssen

How to Master Your New Sales Management Job in the First 90 Days

  90-day plan for a new B2B Sales Manager. The first 90 days as a sales manager represents a critical period. It is your chance to make a good lasting impression and to change the status-quo in B2B sales teams. Your team will be concerned,…

Four Machine Learning Applications Your B2B Sales Teams Might Be Using Today

Real life machine learning examples for B2B sales Without any doubt, in the coming years, progress in machine learning, artificial intelligence and sales automation, will replace many of the time-consuming tasks of B2B salespeople. Your sales team…

Vertriebsleiter über die neue B2B-Landschaft

What Salespeople Need to Know About the New B2B Landscape

“What Salespeople Need to Know About the New B2B Landscape” is a terrific article published in 2015 in the Harvard Business Review (HBR). HBR released it in the background of a peaked interest in analytics and big data. It discussed how these new…


How to end the war between sales and controlling

  Why Controlling and Sales cannot be friends? Conflict is unavoidable, even necessary in business. “For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.” - writes Margaret Heffernan, an internationally…


Predictive Sales Analytics Software | Qymatix Predictive Sales New Release

  With the valuable input from partners and customers, Qymatix has released an improved version of its predictive sales analytics product.   The new version of the SaaS brings together extensive research in the field of predictive sales…