Fragen, auf die Sie als Vertriebsleiter eine Antwort parat haben sollten

Fifteen questions you must be able to answer as a sales manager without hesitating

  Sales Management in B2B is an ever-evolving discipline. The job has been rapidly changing over the past decade, and there is no stop in sight. New technologies emerge, Millennials hit the workspace and markets get disrupted. Dynamic markets…

Cooperation between Sales and Telephonemarketing

Cooperation Between Sales and Telemarketing

  What does optimal cooperation between field sales and telemarketing look like? Is it still possible today? In this article, you will learn about the nine important conditions for telemarketing and field sales to work together optimally. The…

Predictive Score Model Template

What is a Predictive Score Model in B2B Sales? How Can You Create Yours?

A predictive score model is a formula to calculate a probability. There is a 70% chance that you will read this entire article. How do I know this? Because I used a predictive score model. The score is the probability of you reading to the end of…


10 interesting Facts & Statistics About Sales in B2B

  Sales in Business-to-Business is quickly changing. Sales managers will not disappear, but many are struggling to adapt. Technology is making gains in sales controlling. Buyers have a wealth of information at their fingertips. Today, customers…

Predictive Analytics in B2B: 3 Ideen für Vertriebsleiter

Are you a sales manager with Big Data? Here are three Predictive Analytics examples for B2B

With predictive analytics, big data becomes a big opportunity for B2B sales managers. This significant opportunity requires, however, a profound understanding of the sales situation, coupled with an understanding of big data mining models…


Lead management top, customer management flop?

How can your B2B sales team take fact-based decisions faster using your CRM and ERP data? B2b companies are investing in modern lead management. The focus is on the online channel. Modern lead management with a well-thought-out lead strategy,…


Business Intelligence in Tools in B2B Sales: Make or Buy?

B2B sales intelligence - should you make or buy your tool? With the cost of sales sky-rocketing and customers changing their buying behaviour, sales intelligence has become critical to the success of any company. This situation is especially…

Future of industrial distribution

The future of B2B industrial distribution in Germany.

  Make the first steps to becoming a leader in the German market. Germany and the US are two advanced, yet different industrial markets, with special sales and investment cycles. They have, however, plenty of parallels as developed economies.…

Why CRM Projects Fail

Why CRM Projects Fail

Why CRM Projects in B2B Fail and How to Make Them More Successful. Many studies over the years have shown a very high failure rate for Customer Relationships Management (CRM) systems. Already in 2001 Gartner estimated this rate to be at about 50%.

Umsatzwachstum: Kundenbindung als Booster im B2B

Customer Attrition in B2B: loyalty as a sales growth booster

  Predictive analytics for customer retention plays a critical role to accelerate sales in Business-to-Business. Building customer loyalty successfully and efficiently is what makes business-to-business companies thriving on the long-term.…