
Business Intelligence in Tools in B2B Sales: Make or Buy?

B2B sales intelligence - should you make or buy your tool? With the cost of sales sky-rocketing and customers changing their buying behaviour, sales intelligence has become critical to the success of any company. This situation is especially…


Why is your ERP useless without AI?

Why is a legacy ERP becoming irrelevant in an AI era, and what can you do about it? Let’s face it. In a few years, we will lose the battle against the terminator. Even without the help of a computer scientist, a sales manager recognizes that the…

Badass Data Analytics B2B

Badass Sales Analytics for B2B-Companies

  Get to know 5 Badass Sales Analytics Hacks for large and medium-sized B2B companies. Do you know the following situation? You work for a B2B manufacturer or wholesaler, and you have some bright minds in your IT department. Data projects are…


Strength in price setting is your profit driver number one

The Impact of Pricing Analytics on your company earnings. Everybody knows, B2B pricing analytics represents one of the most critical levers to boost earnings. Still, this reality is a sometimes-overlooked fact in Business-to-Business (B2B). However,…

Sales Reporting Software

What You Need from Sales Reporting Software Today

  Sales Reporting Software: a critical tool for efficient sales management and control in B2B. Reporting sales has become a fact-of-life for B2B sales managers. Selecting a sales reporting software can make or break any sales operations.…

wie man die datenqualität verbessert

If Your Data Is Bad, Your Sales AI Tools Are Useless

The impact of poor data quality in business analytics and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) is steadily advancing in B2B sales. AI is changing the way customers are buying and therefore how salespeople should work. The gathering…


Sales Management in times of Artificial Intelligence – Five tips to redefine B2B Sales

Artificial intelligence in sales: our top five tips! Sales processes, salespeople and sales management should adapt to the brave new world of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is taking over the administrative tasks that consume much…


What is the fuzz about Predictive Analytics? One example of B2B Sales will make you start today.

This predictive analytics example will surely make you uneasy about your sales costs today.   B2B sales went through several transformations in the past decade. Mobile is ubiquitous, CRM Systems are universal and “customer journey” achieved…


Why KPI’s Are Important to Your Sales Growth

Business success is usually measured in Key Performance Indicators (KPI): quantifiable evidence used to determine how well the sales goals are being met or will be met in the future. Selecting the right set of key performance indicators is critical…


Qymatix Steps Up the Sales AI Game with a new release of its Predictive Sales Analytics Software

  Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with Predictive Sales Analytics from Qymatix AI. Karlsruhe, 21.11.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to increase customer lifetime value using predictive sales analytics.…