
Qymatix is now a proud member of the SAP® PartnerEdge® Program.

Qymatix is helping business get ahead with predictive sales analytics in their SAP world.

Karlsruhe, 19.07.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to grow faster using predictive sales analytics.

To reduce customer churn, discover cross- and up-selling opportunities, and enforce pricing policy, sales executives need today access to advanced predictive analytics models.

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Qymatix Predictive Sales Analytics is now publicly available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace and Microsoft AppSource

How can you implement predictive sales analytics in your Microsoft Dynamics CRM and ERP-Software?

Karlsruhe, 06.07.2018. Qymatix Solutions GmbH is since 2013 helping B2B companies to become more efficient using predictive sales analytics.

To implement cross- and up-selling strategies, reduce customer churn and enforce pricing policy, sales leaders need today access to sophisticated predictive analytics models.

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