
Five interesting Facts & Statistics About B2B Distribution

  B2B Sales is changing because buyers are changing – mainly in the way they buy. Companies in B2B distribution are particularly affected by the changes in customer behaviour and their competitive environment. The shift in customer behaviour…

Business Intelligence und künstliche Intelligenz

Artificial Intelligence vs Business Intelligence – What is really self-service business analytics?

The difference between Business Intelligence (BI) and Self-Service BI and why Qymatix Predcitive Sales Software is not a traditional Self-Service BI solution. 2018 said Carlie J. Idoine, Research Director at Gartner: "The trend of digitalization is…


Artificial intelligence in B2B Sales. New Challenges – New Opportunities.

  One interesting read about the use of artificial intelligence in B2B sales. Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining relevance in Business-to-Business (B2B) sales. Research shows that investment in the development and integration of AI and,…

Predictive Sales Analytics Excell

Predictive Sales Analytics in Excel? Yes, you could!

How to do predictive analysis in Excel: One Useful Example of Predictive Sales Analytics & Predictive Modeling in Excel One of the critical tasks of a sales manager is to timely identify which opportunities have better chances of closing and…


Five interesting Facts & Statistics About B2B Distribution

  B2B Sales is changing because buyers are changing – mainly in the way they buy. Companies in B2B distribution are particularly affected by the changes in customer behaviour and their competitive environment. The shift in customer behaviour…

Predictive Analytics in B2B: 3 Ideen für Vertriebsleiter

Are you a sales manager with Big Data? Here are three Predictive Analytics examples for B2B

With predictive analytics, big data becomes a big opportunity for B2B sales managers. This significant opportunity requires, however, a profound understanding of the sales situation, coupled with an understanding of big data mining models…


Lead management top, customer management flop?

How can your B2B sales team take fact-based decisions faster using your CRM and ERP data? B2b companies are investing in modern lead management. The focus is on the online channel. Modern lead management with a well-thought-out lead strategy,…

Die Macht der Daten

B2B Predictive Analytics – Successful Data Management

How to make data work for your B2B sales team while avoiding common pitfalls in data management We can associate power with strength, force and influence, but also with destruction and violence - the typical two sides of a coin. Sayings like “data…

Wie wird Vertrieb in 50 Jahren funktionieren – Blick in die Zukunft

What type of B2B sales will still exist in 50 years?

Will sales jobs still exist in fifty years from now? Will robots take over all sales jobs? How will artificial intelligence redefine sales management? What long-term influence does digitisation have on B2B sales? To discuss the future of sales,…

All About ERP Data Mining for Sales

Data Mining in ERP for Sales – All About It!

ERP Data Mining: what we learnt from analysing 100 million of B2B sales transactions. Data mining is the application of a varied assortment of statistical techniques to ERP datasets. Companies nowadays use data mining to predict outcomes, identify…