The Top Challenges Facing the Wholesale Trade in Germany
What are the challenges faced by wholesalers in Germany from the point of view of their salespeople? The wholesale trade in Germany is a vital sector of the economy, generating billions of euros in revenue per year. According to the Federal…
How to Define and Reduce Customer Churn in B2B Sales
Customer churn in B2B refers to a portion of subscribers or contract customers who change suppliers during a certain period of time. In B2B practice, some churn goes unnoticed for a long time or is only detected when it is already too late.…
The Future of B2B Sales – How Digitalisation influences Sales
High-quality technology and predictive sales software are the future of B2B sales. In the next five years, more and more companies will change the way they work through digitalisation and the use of new sales analytics software. Digitisation…
Predictive Analytics in B2B Sales – What it is and how to get Started
Predictive analytics technologies are becoming increasingly popular and are already being used today, especially by wholesalers and manufacturers in business-to-business (B2B) sales. Perhaps you have already made some elaborate attempts to…
Qymatix Academy celebrates its Relaunch
Learn online everything about AI in sales and the successful use of predictive sales analytics at the Qymatix Academy. Save 50 % on all courses with the code SELLSMART! (Courses only available in German language) Karlsruhe, 27.04.2023. Qymatix…
Five Mistakes Sales Managers Make when Dealing with AI and How to Fix them
Artificial intelligence in B2B sales and how to use it properly. AI technologies are all the rage in sales and chances are you’re considering them for your own organisation. But what is AI really and how can you avoid the five mistakes sales…
How to Successfully Automate Forecasting Processes in B2B Sales Controlling?
Properly applied, forecasts in sales controlling are essential for B2B companies. Nevertheless, they often fail. This article discusses why they fail and how you can use predictions successfully. Next to reporting, forecasts are one of the…
Why AI-based B2B Sales Forecasting is Important and Still Fails
Do you want to realize your potential in B2B sales and be more successful than the competition? Accurate AI-based b2b sales forecasting is an insider's tip - right? To help you understand what you should know primarily about b2b sales…
Artificial Intelligence vs Business Intelligence – What is really self-service business analytics?
The difference between Business Intelligence (BI) and Self-Service BI and why Qymatix Predcitive Sales Software is not a traditional Self-Service BI solution. 2018 said Carlie J. Idoine, Research Director at Gartner: "The trend of digitalization is…
Generate Extra Sales With Cross-Selling and Artificial Intelligence.
Qymatix Predictive Sales Software leverages customer data to make product recommendations that maximize Cross-selling conversion rates.