AI Data Visualization for Advanced Sales Analytics

Qymatix Predictive Sales Software
Understand your sales data and achieve a much higher business success through an intelligent visualization from Qymatix AI.

Sales Analytics Visualization

“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.” That is how Qymatix works. With only one sales data visualisation you can directly access all critical information available at any time: where are the Low-Hanging Fruits, Cross-Selling Quick Wins, Customers at Risk of Churning and Price Setting Potential. Sales managers are now able to implement and track the most appropriate sales KPI and to measure the overall status of existing customers, segmented turnover and profitability and new customer acquisition.

Predictive Analytics on your Visualization Software

In-depth analytics of your sales data is now just one click away. Within seconds, you can run sales reports and visualizations that allow you to make better sales decisions, based on advanced data analytics and AI. With the use of customised algorithms for sales analytics, Qymatix provides a comprehensive list of sales opportunities and hidden risks. Focusing on them enables you to respond appropriately quickly.

Set the right priorities and focus on the most promising sales activities. Let your sales team focus to be more effective!

Predictive Sales Insights, not just another Dashboard

Predictive Sales Software
How many hours a week do you spend trying to understand what is going on in your business? How much of your time is taken up by forecasting, planning and controlling sales? How long do you spend looking for errors in your spreadsheets? We can save you an average of four hours a week on your sales planning and forecasting.

One factor weighing on many companies is the high cost of mounting a working business intelligence tools for predictive analytics using Qlik or Tableau. Qymatix solves this problem for B2B sales leaders.

Advanced Sales Analytics and KPIs

Qymatix Advanced Analytics
Qymatix has developed a powerful and easy to use SaaS solution for B2B sales. Sales managers in B2B are now able to access critical sales data with just one click. Qymatix presents users with all the information they need to make successful sales decisions. Existing customers are automatically scored for additional up/cross-selling revenue potential, churn risk and pricing opportunities.

Identify your quick-wins, cross-selling and hot projects in one click.

No need of IT for Data Visualization

Qymatix Predictive Sales Software
You have sales data but do not have the resources for an expensive IT project or data analyst. You need to access your current sales performance and analytics everywhere at any time. Qymatix provides you with powerful software as a service solution for sales analytics.

Qymatix online data visualisation software offers businesses the most efficient solution to get valuable insights from their sales data.


Self-learning Sales Analytics

Qymatix KI Software
Are you tired of digging into your classic sales dashboards looking for sales insights? Do you want to identify the lowest hanging fruits in your customer database at the push of a button? Qymatix Sales Analytics gives you the answer with an innovative data visualisation based on advanced predictive analytics.

Sales managers can now, without any training, data analytics skills or previous experience, access complex sales reports and visualisation through the cloud. Qymatix solution puts sales managers way ahead of their competitors.

Let machine learning prevent customer attrition and help your team to achieve their goals.