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How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can Help in B2B Sales

  Expand your expertise on the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in B2B sales. You want to tap your potential in B2B sales and have got a taste of AI through applications like ChatGPT? Various applications of…

Fehler mit KI im Vertrieb | Predictive Sales Software

Five Mistakes Sales Managers Make when Dealing with AI and How to Fix them

  Artificial intelligence in B2B sales and how to use it properly. AI technologies are all the rage in sales and chances are you’re considering them for your own organisation. But what is AI really and how can you avoid the five mistakes sales…

B2B Sales and Marketing Must Have Tools

Three B2B Sales and Marketing Must-Have Software Tools for an Optimal Sales Funnel

  Navigating the technology jungle: Three B2B sales & marketing must-have software tools for a secure future. There is a reason for the term "technology jungle". As a B2B company, it is often difficult to decide which tools for marketing and…

The Art of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales

AI in B2B sales: How exactly can B2B companies use Artificial Intelligence to support their sales? The applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are very diverse. It is not without reason that big players such as Apple, Facebook, Google or…

Win Back lost customers in B2B

How to Win Back Lost Customers in B2B

  Joachim Meyn has many years of experience in B2B sales and customer management. In this article, he shares his impressions on the topic of "customer recovery". First of all, losing customers is an entirely normal process. Therefore, one of…

Sales Management with AI

Sales Management with AI: Why Hyperautomation is becoming Inevitable in Sales.

  By 2025, 75% of B2B organizations will use AI-powered sales solutions for hyperautomation, according to Gartner. Are you on board too? There is keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning specifically for sales…

AI in b2b sales

Where AI already Supports Sales Today

  Learn seven practical use cases where artificial intelligence is already supporting sales today. More and more companies are using AI to streamline processes in sales and hand over unpleasant tasks to algorithms. AI is therefore assistance…

New Technologies in Sales Mistakes

Five Mistakes in the Implementation of New Technologies (AI) in Sales

  Introducing new technologies for B2B sales is not always easy. In this article, you will learn which mistakes you should avoid. Joachim Meyn has many years of experience in B2B sales and has managed many projects in the area of CRM…

Change of Perspective: Biases in B2B Sales

Why You are Not as Successful as You Think – Cognitive Biases in Everyday B2B Sales.

  Do you f.e. know the "egocentric bias"? What perception disorders influence your (mis)success in B2B sales? I'm pretty sure you won't like to hear some of the things in this article. However, my advice to you is: open your eyes and get…

Challenges Wholesale

Current Challenges in B2B Wholesale

  Between supplier price pressure, supply chain problems and customer anger: Why wholesalers win with value-based customer management. Many wholesalers are currently struggling with sudden increases in purchasing and cost prices as well as…