AI in B2B Sales? Machine Learning vs. Humans

The interaction between humans and AI in B2B sales. AI in sales uses machine learning to supply humans with sales insights and recommendations. Machine Learning generates these sales alerts using recurring patterns of customer data. However, where…

Predictive Analytics Blog – The Best of 2019

  Es ist wieder soweit: Das Jahr neigt sich rasant dem Ende zu und wenn wir zurückschauen hat sich 2019 einiges bei Qymatix getan. KI und maschinelles Lernen dringt immer weiter in die Unternehmenswelt in Deutschland vor. Das haben wir dieses…


Shakespeare is dead! Let machine learning bring intelligence to your text.

One first-hand example of predictive text scoring and sentiment analytics using machine learning. We are always looking for a way to bring machine learning to ERP-Systems. Companies can apply a Predictive Scoring using Machine Learning to…

Qymatix Kundenanalyse

Qymatix Artificial intelligence for B2B sales

Qymatix offers you a flexible way to implement artificial intelligence in your ERP and CRM. You don't need to be an IT expert and you don't need to worry about an expensive project. How can you implement artificial intelligence for sales planning…